交通 & 停车规定

交通 & 停车规定



这些规定和程序由文森斯大学董事会通过 受托人根据印第安纳州授予的权力. 所有的规定 and procedures are equally applicable to the Vincennes University employees and students 除非另有规定.

Any employee or student who brings a 车辆 to campus will be held responsible for 取得有效的停车许可证,并妥善操作车辆. It is the responsibility of each member of the University community to read, understand 并遵守规章制度. 无视规定是不能接受的理由 对违规行为的上诉.

Vincennes University Police Officers or specially designated personnel will issue parking citations for parking and registration violations in accordance with these 规定.

The following 规定 shall govern the driving and parking of motor 车辆s on the Vincennes University campus at all times of the year unless specifically excepted.


  1. 所有文森斯大学的员工和学生 必须获得并适当展示 a current Vincennes University parking 许可证 in order to legally park on Vincennes 大学房地产. 许可证可在网上购买 vupd.the许可证store.com 或者在办公室 文森斯大学警察局.
  2. 车辆从早上7点开始只能停在指定的停车场.m. 至下午5时.m. 星期一至星期五. 有许可证的车辆不受地段限制 下午5点.m. 早上7点.m.,以及在周末. 例外-特殊标记的空格.
  3. Each employee or student of Vincennes University must obtain one parking 许可证 per 车辆. 所有停车许可证由文森斯大学警察局签发. Permits are issued for the school year and expire on the 15th of August each year.
  4. 可转让泊车许可证必须贴附许可证,妥善展示 在驾驶员侧挡风玻璃的左下方. 例外:摩托车应咨询校园警察局. A 车辆 not properly displaying a parking 许可证 while parked on 大学房地产 船东是否会付船票,是否会被启动和/或拖曳.
  5. If a parking 许可证 is lost or stolen, it becomes the responsibility of the employee 或学生立即向校园警察提交丢失或被盗报告. 一笔费用 of $30.00人将被评估是否需要更换许可证.
  6. 居民许可证 - Any 车辆 properly displaying a current red 许可证 must park only in the lots 指定为 红色的 许可证,所有许可证或在街上. 收费30美元.00分将被评定为红色 许可证.
  7. 通勤许可证 - Any 车辆 properly displaying a current green 许可证 must park only in the lots 指定为 绿色 许可证,所有许可证或在街上. 收费30美元.00将被评估为绿色 许可证.
  8. 教职员工/许可证 -任何正确出示蓝色许可证的车辆可在任何地段或街道上停车 街上. 注意:蓝色许可证仅供澳门足球博彩官方网址员工使用. 雇员的子女 必须获得绿色许可证并在该许可证指定的地段停车.
  9. 临时许可证 - A temporary 许可证 may be issued by the 文森斯大学警察局: it 仅在指定的时间内有效. 5美元的费用.00将被评估为临时的 允许不超过五(5)天.
  10. 障碍许可证 - A handicap 许可证 allowing special parking arrangements may be issued by the Vincennes University Police 部门 to one who is temporarily or permanently handicapped. 必须事先获得授权. 残障许可证必须另外展示 到常规许可证. 停泊没有张贴残疾牌照的机动车辆 in an area reserved for the handicap is prohibited and will be towed at the owner's 费用.
  11. 访客许可证 - 访问ors who wish to park on campus must obtain a visitors 许可证 at the Vincennes University Police 部门 and park in accordance with the instructions on the 许可证 卡. 本条例中使用的“访客”一词不包括文森人 大学职员或学生.
  12. 所有 Citations issued to a 许可证 will be that 许可证 holder's responsibility regardless of which 车辆 the 许可证 is on at the time of the violation unless a lost or stolen 报告已在文森斯大学警察局完成.
  13. 机动车的司机有责任找到一个合法的停车位. 缺乏 占用空间并不是违反规定的正当理由. 停车许可证 does not guarantee the holder a parking space, but only the opportunity to park within 指定区域.
  14. 停车许可证必须按停车规定或特殊规定出示 由校园警察在签发时提供的指示. 永远锁好你的 搬运并带走任何贵重物品!
  15. Legal parking of motor 车辆s on 大学房地产 is confined to areas designated 为了这个目的. 禁止在草坪、砖砌人行道、施工中停车 areas, or any other place which will mark the landscape of the campus, create a hazard 或妨碍他人使用大学设施. 违反者将受到 引证,引导和/或车辆可能被拖走.
  16. 黄色标记为“禁止停车区”。. 任何地方都不允许停车 loading or service 车辆 dock or 区, entrance to buildings, crosswalks or emergency 区. 停车场的绿色条纹表示通勤停车场,红色条纹表示停车场 designate residence hall parking, BLUE striping in the lots designate faculty and 员工停车. NOTE:  NOT ALL PARKING SPACES ARE STRIPED TO INDICATE WHO CAN PARK THERE, HOWEVER, ALL PARKING LOTS HAVE SIGNAGE AT THE ENTRANCES TO THE LOTS INDICATING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS.
  17. Motor bikes, motorcycles, and motor scooters are subject to all 规定 and must 只能在指定的正常汽车使用的街道上运行.
  18. 自行车可向校园警察登记. 如果没有这样做,建议这样做 that you record the make, model, color and serial number of the bicycle and keep this 信息放在安全的地方.
  19. Certain areas may be closed to parking during specified hours by the University Police 部门. 在这些时间内,禁止在这些区域停车.
  20. 任何涉及大学财产的机动车事故必须报告给 校园警察立即赶到 812-888-5555.
  21. When parking on city streets all 车辆s are subject to city and state parking laws 哪一个可以由当地的执法人员执行.
  22. 拖.  车辆被拖走的费用由操作者承担 以下条件:
    • Any 车辆 in violation of 停车规定 or any which are apparently abandoned 是否可以拖曳和存放,费用由船主承担. 
    • 没有残障许可而在残障车位停车的.
    • Disabled or abandoned for three days or more, and who have not responded to a request 校园警察把车开走了.
    • 在指定的许可区域外停车.
    • Obstructing vehicular or pedestrian 交通 handicapped spaces or wheelchair ramps, interfering with University operational activities, or creating a hazard to persons 或设备.
    • 未响应“立即向校园警察报告”的通知
    • 许可证被涂改、被盗或伪造的车辆.
    • The owner or operator of a 车辆 which has been towed under these 规定 will be required to remit in cash, to the towing service, the prevailing towing charges. Vehicles that are towed are removed from campus and will reside in the custody of 拖曳服务公司,直到业主或运营商支付所需的费用.
  23. 罚款及付款
    • Fines and collection will be handled through 文森斯大学警察局.  收入存入大学普通基金.
    • A $25.出示涂改、被盗、遗失或欺诈性证件,将被罚款00元 许可证.  没有有效的许可证或没有显示许可证- $25.00细.  未经授权的 将车停在残障车位-启动费和/或自动拖拽和50美元.00细. 所有 其他停车罚款为15美元.每次00元.
    • If the motor 车辆 displays a 许可证 the fines will be assessed to the employee 或获发许可证的学生.
    • If the 车辆 does not display a 许可证, the fines will be assessed to the employee 或者是拥有车辆的学生.
    • Any 车辆 parked on campus without a 许可证 will be identified through the National 犯罪信息中心计算机系统.
    • Fines must be paid at the 文森斯大学警察局, located in the Safety and Information Center at the intersection of Second and Center Streets, within ten (10)天.
    • 雇员或学生未能按时缴纳罚款的,应被视为原因 撤销停车特权. 撤销将继续有效,只要 罚款未付.
    • University employees and students who receive ten (10) or more parking citations in 一学年将取消他们在街边停车的特权.
  24. 上诉
    • Action taken by the 文森斯大学警察局 is final and binding unless 依本条例申诉. 申诉可在vupd网上提出.the许可证store.com.
    • 所有 persons appealing a parking citation must file a completed appeal form with the 校园警察在收到传票通知后七天内. 未能提交已完成的文件 appeal form within the prescribed time period shall constitute a waiver of the right 对传票通知提出上诉.
    • Except in very rare and unusual circumstances, the only proper basis of an appeal 所引用的规定没有被违反,这是争论的焦点吗.
    • Reasons such as "I thought it was no violation," "I did not mean to violate the 规定," "I saw other persons doing the same," " I would have been late for class or work," 是否有可接受的上诉理由.
